Consciousness II

Hello everyone! Happy New Year as well! Many changes have occurred in my life since the last post in May. I quit my corporate job of 8 years, traveled, moved, returned to my community, obtained a status of self-employment for a short while, and landed a new career path. I moved through the ups and downs of my emotions and felt out the seasons of my life’s changes and with that, I was inspired to discuss my favorite topic, Consciousness. I told you all it would return with the many fractals of the discussion topic we could chase. This post will be a summary of the many topics I plan on expanding upon for the year of 2023. This may be a bit of a bumpy ride this time around as we continue to dive deep into Consciousness at a spiritual level, but this time I will be adding the subject of Dimensions to the topic’s narrative. We live in a three dimensional space and much of what we experience as a human can only be felt, or experienced within our subconscious and what could connect it all? Perhaps it is consciousness and a realm of thought. Let us dive into some thoughts, and possibly how one could exercise their consciousness.

In previous posts, I described my relationship with spirituality as Taoistic. Yin and Yang, positive force of energy and negative force of energy (not Negative as in bad or evil, but only a way to describe its relation to Yang and its force). With the two always at play, the source of feminine energy, Yin, is “Mission”, negative energy is the energy of creativity, ideas, seeing “what is”. Yang, the masculine energy, is “Purpose”, the positive force that propels, in a sense it is action. Yang is brightly visible and energetic. Yin = Mission and Yang = Purpose. As a quick call back, to explain how these forces relate to Meosophy, I explained in my previous post the examples of my soul’s Mission and Purpose. My mission is to remind humans what it is to be human. My purpose is to write. Reminding those how to be human keeps me creative in my imagination. I can think of stories or lessons to express in different literary mediums. Perhaps that's why I was always drawn to Mythology and Folklore! Writing, being my Purpose, keeps me active and moving forward and exploring my mission so there is order and direction, goal setting so to speak is involved as well. Writing keeps the imagination of my Mission fresh by acting out the different mediums of literature. Essentially, Purpose is my vessel, it keeps me moving. Purpose acts on the process of doing, such as writing my life’s Mission using Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Self Help, Blogging as the mediums. When my perspective is too much involved with my Mission, I become stagnant by overthinking ideals, or extend too much on thoughts and become anxious as I do not produce works, essentially depression kicks in as I am not involving Purpose by writing things out. When I have too much perspective on my Purpose, I can become pigheaded and arrogant ignoring the creativity and tact involved with my Mission's purpose. Other tasks and responsibilities go at the wayside and relationships with others can also be a bit hindered as I become too involved with work. Hopefully my example helps you grasp your Mission and Purpose and the energy involved to guide your creative soul. The question is now, how would this duality of energies in all things be governed and who or what set them in motion? Following a pattern of creation, as above, so below, a creator would surely apply this to themselves and let it govern this  three dimensional plane. So effectively whose purpose would set these universal forces at play to govern the experience? Something people describe as God or in my case, we will call it “I Am” for the sake of this post.

Conceivably what connects us is a realm of thought… As humans, we all have a shared experience in this world with dreaming and the need for the consumption of energy (See post “Consciousness”, Paragraph 3). So how do we presume we are connected subconsciously? Growing up my mother encouraged me to journal my dreams, interpret them, and understand what they mean to the self. I found that typically dream meanings are very connected and are similar to many cultures around the world. Differences here and there but structurally dreams are connected in meaning at the subconscious level. It had me on a comforting level that although languages separate us, worldly we are connected subconsciously by the dreaming process, and what is the “dream world” but a realm of thought? This realm of thought is potentially the First Dimension.

Ideally the first dimension is not a physical plane that is described to us simplistically in school of just a dot on a piece of paper to signify One Point. But a plane/ dimensional existence of Thought. Perhaps that is what the creation story of many religions tells of when their god Speaks itself into existence. In this first dimension of Thought, there is no spoken word, only thought. I would imagine that it Thinks itself into existence by asking itself “What am I?” and it responds to itself by thinking “I Am”. With that, we now have the first dimension, the realm of The Mind. It is at that moment this being gives itself its Mission and Purpose, creating the force of Yin and Yang. Its Mission is to Be, its Purpose is to Experience. Along with Mission and Purpose/ Yin and Yang, “I Am” housed them within their own space, the Second Dimension of Spirit. Acting in ways to create sound and waves as they create movement they create shapes within these sounds and waves. Conceivably, “I Am” felt the opportunity, feeling emotion in entirety via the 2nd Dimension, “I Am” or perhaps Yin, the ever-creative force, creates a shape so great that it breaks the 2nd Dimension creating the Third Dimension, a space of matter, the Dimension of The Body. Where Emotion is fractured into separate parts, “I Am” wanted to Experience, and now with a dimension of prismatic emotion, where emotions are felt separately, created a dimension of the ultimate experience. A dimension of physical matter and separated emotions that can create a multitude of experiences.

Emotion will be its own post, but I will be touching on it a bit today as to explain how it works with consciousness, spirituality, and how it ties in with Meosophy. What does emotion feel like or look like when it is not fractured? In my honest opinion, I believe it is the state of being Loving. Where you remove yourself from all judgment and balance yourself in understanding perspectives of one’s mission and purpose, a sense of Unity that is healing to not just one's self but others. I suppose it is also similar to a state of being when we were children and we played with our toys creating stories before we knew the judgements of society and what familial trauma was to come. When we were in a state of pure creation and exploration because of the joy of it. I understand my perspective on the matter may change over time but I believe if we are like “I Am”, a creator in this instance, is of the Mind Dimension and whose Mission is to Be and Purpose is to Experience, then fundamentally that’s the foundation to finding our niche in our current life as a human on this planet, right now as you are reading this. How you want to be and what you want to experience here, what slight pieces of emotion do you wish to personify and share with the world in your experience? One may not need to focus on the “whole” or entirety of emotion yet, because their soul’s journey may still be young and can only process so much emotion to experience in this current life.

A dimension of fractured emotions creates more opportunity for experiences. What blueprint do we have to follow this process along with fractured emotions and gaining balance with the Self? It may be a system that many of you are familiar with, and that is the Hinduism structure of Chakra. In my observations, Chakra is the process of fractured emotion that creates the spectrum of emotion spiritually to gather a closer sense of self and your experience here on Earth. It is the building blocks of looking within and what is blocking you from the human experience. With chakra, one meditates on the mantra (or frequency), we spiritually connect ourselves to the experience of the chakras frequency and allow us to concentrate on that slice of experience to find the meaning within ourselves of what we need to emanate and work on.  Each Chakra has a shape (Body), frequency (Soul), and a thought of its own consciousness of focus (Mind). The trifecta that we see time and time again, Mind, Body, and Soul. The internal dilemma that we all deal with as a human and always find ourselves in times of conflict, or crisis. As stated in my post “Meosophy'', Crisis is a good thing, that’s where we find our bountiful growth. And to reiterate, Crisis is that feeling we get when we experience that push and pull, back and forth, fighting with our Mission and Purpose, it is the internal Spiritual conflict of the Self. To back track just earlier, remember, Mission and Purpose (Yin/ Yang) is rooted in the Second Dimension of Spirituality. Where Emotion was played with and created on wavelengths and frequencies, contained and then to be fractured in the material world of matter. 

Follow the process to Emotions and understand that, as humans, we are emotional beings and it is high time we face this as a reality to create a relationship with emotion that benefits us as humans. Emotion is frequency, emotion is vibration. This is why words lack in category and simplistic vocabulary where Music thrives. Music being considered the “Great Communicator” for that exact reason, and music itself being vibration and frequency allows us to reflect outside of time and space helping us experience our existence with a sliver of the perspective of a 4th dimensional being. That may sound a bit far fetched, but think about it for a moment. Think of a song that you have listened to since you were young. Listen to it and reflect on the times that song has carried you in your life and feel your development through the ages. You experienced the journey of yourself in an almost instantaneous thought. Which is the equivalent of how a 4th dimensional being would experience time. Time to them is the equivalent of us hoping on a plane and traveling to another city. Is that not what we just did with time (your life’s experience) and the song of your choice? The chakra process of Hinduism and the understanding of human emotions together is to hopefully open one up to the experiences of being human. To help one’s self look within and understand the emotional and mental blocks we are prone to while existing in a Three Dimensional space of fractured emotions. It is a consequence, or ideally, a rule to existing in this Three Dimensional space, and frankly, in my honest opinion, the best part! As we get to experience so much if we open ourselves up to perspective. The vastness of your creativity does not start in what you can do, but in the depth of which you can receive. If you open yourself to receiving, the vastness of your subconscious will reveal to you your path as a creative soul.

To exercise our consciousness one should journal. Journaling can be done on your phone in a note section or physically written by hand in a typical journal, the point is to begin the habit formation. No need to write everyday, but major thoughts that cross your mind, make notes on your mental thoughts and, again, form that habit till it becomes secondary that you feel comfortable to make the time for yourself once a week to eventually a daily habit. Journal as much as you can, especially your dreams. As humans, our main fault in our creation is our memory. We are a species of amnesia and we must journal in order to reflect. The point is not to have a writing assignment and a collection of journals to be put away or found by loved ones or future family, the whole point of journaling is to be able to reflect. Reflection is key and I highly recommend one reflect on journal entries every 6 months to a year. The amount of growth we produce consciously will most likely astound yourself and quite frankly, it is very entertaining! First person writing is one of the greatest discoveries of being human, and not because it helped communication for building development of cities. It is its ability to allow us to recollect, to tell our stories with the personal view of one's experience here on earth. It allows us to extend each one of our personal experiences to potentially be shared for generations. It pushes our collective conscious journey to new audiences that used to need to be there in the “Here and Now” of the teller's lifetime to potential futures of archaeological cyberspace careers. Journal websites, such as blogs like Tumblr, will be found upon many audiences who will need to hear the stories of past humanity in a time of need for them. 

As I regularly loosely cite the old saying:

We do not plant the seeds of trees for us to enjoy the shade, but for the future generations.

Your story matters, your current experience here on this earth matters to unsuspecting future humanity. Give yourself up to your consciousness by journaling and looking within. Open yourself up to the experience and perspectives of being human and what your present offers you, so you can feel and look deeper within yourself. To reiterate, the vastness of your creativity does not start in what you can do, but in the depth of which you can receive. Become mindful and open yourself to receiving the experience of humanity, and let it open your consciousness to what your Mission and Purpose is for your creative soul.


The Imposter

